Before the SSPC, coating standards were incorporated as a result of the emergence of the Steel Structures Painting Council in 1950, longevity wasn’t a primary concern for architects and industrial construction workers.

Although steel and concrete are far from feeble materials, the inevitable degradation of their associated paint jobs was having a costly effect on buildings erected before the SSPC and the changes it brought about.

The Impact of Protective Coatings on Industrial Painting

As technological advancements made it more and more essential for building exteriors to hold up for the long term, the emergence of new materials was making it hard for the average contractor to keep up. Given the chemistry and materials science involved, the protective coatings that were hitting the market were finding fewer and fewer qualified contractors to work with them.

The SSPC changed all that, by helping to implement specialized training programs that granted existing – and new, of course – contractors with the knowledge and skills to handle these new coatings.

The overall impact on the field of industrial painting was to elevate the caliber of work being done, as entrants had to persist in an ongoing program of education and testing to retain the certification they obtained from the SSPC.

ProBlast Technology, Inc: A Protective Coating Company

The changes that the Council instituted and maintains through technical publications, training, conferences, webinars, events and continually-updated standards has led to industry exemplars such as ProBlast Technology, Inc.

Our Minnesota-based company specializes in surface analysis and preparation, and then the application of the optimal protective coating to prolong lifespan and preserve value.

There are, of course, other such companies around the nation and the single distinguishing mark they all have to convey their expertise is the SSPC certification of their contractors. The various levels are designated by QP1, QP2, and QS1 certifications to help prospective consumers gauge the expertise of the contractor. At a minimum, holding these certifications guarantees that they possess:

  • A wide expanse of knowledge on surface preparation
  • The understanding of the specifics of coating selection for various surfaces
  • The knowledge of health and safety concerns endemic to the protective coatings industry
  • Compliance with environmental regulations

This range of knowledge also encompasses marine coatings for surfaces near or on water; ensuring that the best high-performance coatings are used for these environments. The rigorous process of certifications includes audits; which means that ongoing education and application are necessary to maintain the certification.

Overall, the SSPC has had the effect of elevating the level of excellence in industrial painting.

Please contact the friendly professionals at ProBlast Technology for all your industrial coating needs.